Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World Biography
Most Christian authorities and bodies view marriage (also called Holy Matrimony) as a state instituted and ordained by God for the lifelong relationship between one man as husband and one woman as wife. They consider it the most intimate of human relationships, a gift from God, and a sacred institution.[1] Protestants consider it to be sacred, holy, and even central to the community of faith,[2] while Catholics[3] and Orthodox Christians[4] consider it a Sacrament. Biblically, it is to be "held in honour among all…."[Heb. 13:4]
Jesus Christ underscored the importance and sacredness of lifelong marriage in his own teachings. He stated that God had created mankind as male and female, [Genesis 1:27] and that in marriage "'the two will become one flesh'. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."[Matt. 19:5b-6]
Civil laws recognize marriage as having social and political statuses. Christian theology affirms the secular status of marriage, but additionally views it from a moral and religious perspective that transcends all social interests.
While marriage is honored and affirmed among Christians and throughout the Bible, there is no suggestion that it is necessary for everyone. Single people who either have chosen to remain unmarried or who have lost their spouse for some reason are neither incomplete in Christ nor personal failures.[5]
The New Testament teaches that sex is reserved for marriage.[5] It calls sex outside of marriage the sin of adultery (for the married person) if either sexual participant is married to another person, while it calls voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons the sin of fornication.
Christians seek to uphold the seriousness of wedding vows. Yet, they respond with compassion to deep hurts by recognizing that divorce, though less than the ideal, is sometimes necessary to relieve one partner of intolerable hardship, unfaithfulness or desertion.[5] While the voice of God had said, "I hate divorce",[Malachi 2:16] some authorities believe the divorce rate in the church is nearly comparable to that of the culture at large.[6]
There is considerable disagreement among Christians as to the biblical way to define the roles of each marriage partner, and how each should interact in the family to create healthy family relationships and to please God. Roles in Christian marriages between opposite-sex couples challenge deep-rooted beliefs, teachings, and traditions—most dating from biblical days. Opinions and teachings vary among three principal groups—one group that believes in a full and co-equal partnership of the husband and wife, and two others which advocate a male-dominant hierarchical structure in marriage.
Civil laws recognize marriage as having social and political statuses. Christian theology affirms the secular status of marriage, but additionally views it from a moral and religious perspective that transcends all social interests.
While marriage is honored and affirmed among Christians and throughout the Bible, there is no suggestion that it is necessary for everyone. Single people who either have chosen to remain unmarried or who have lost their spouse for some reason are neither incomplete in Christ nor personal failures.[5]
The New Testament teaches that sex is reserved for marriage.[5] It calls sex outside of marriage the sin of adultery (for the married person) if either sexual participant is married to another person, while it calls voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons the sin of fornication.
Christians seek to uphold the seriousness of wedding vows. Yet, they respond with compassion to deep hurts by recognizing that divorce, though less than the ideal, is sometimes necessary to relieve one partner of intolerable hardship, unfaithfulness or desertion.[5] While the voice of God had said, "I hate divorce",[Malachi 2:16] some authorities believe the divorce rate in the church is nearly comparable to that of the culture at large.[6]
There is considerable disagreement among Christians as to the biblical way to define the roles of each marriage partner, and how each should interact in the family to create healthy family relationships and to please God. Roles in Christian marriages between opposite-sex couples challenge deep-rooted beliefs, teachings, and traditions—most dating from biblical days. Opinions and teachings vary among three principal groups—one group that believes in a full and co-equal partnership of the husband and wife, and two others which advocate a male-dominant hierarchical structure in marriage.
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
Mehandi Design In Different Region Of World
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